Tag: Writing

Thank you letter – Mrs Atuahiva & Mrs Pau’vale


Dear Mrs Atuahiva & Mr. Pau’vale

Thank you for preparing such amazing food and for helping us clean afterwards. I am also thankful for the lunches that you both prepared and also for looking after us during camp trips. I am most grateful for both of your companies while at camp.

Yours sincerely

Thank you letter – Mrs Raj


Dear Mrs. Raj

Thank you for helping organise this camp and for being persuasive when we had to bring our camp forms back so you could make sure we were able to go and have a fun experience at camp. I’m also really grateful for your company during our camp trips. You were a really cool, easy going teacher, I also thank you for caring and for the popsicle that you gave.

Yours sincerely

Te Oro Recount

Room 7 sat patiently on the cold polished floor while the teachers explained what the safety protocols are and what we were going to make, we were going to make Poi to celebrate the Maori week.

We started off by cutting a square shape foam into a cylinder then we cut the red, black and white wools the same size as our arms after, we started to tie the wools together then we plait them after we added the pom pom made of black wool.

Once everything is finished, we wrapped the foam cylinder with plastic and tied it to the wool then we were finished all that was left to do was to clean up and walk back to school.

We were all exhausted when we came back because we walked from school all the way to Te Oro.

The Lazy Pig


The Lazy Pig
“HEY! don’t drop the sticks!” the eldest pig shouted! “Sorry,” the youngest pig answered.


While the eldest and youngest pigs worked together, the middle pig played around in the mud. “Why don’t you come and help us?” said the eldest pig. “No, I don’t want to help!” oinked the middle pig. “Okay then, you can make your own house and cook your own food if you won’t help us.” “Whatever!” the middle pig whispered while he rolled his eyes.

The sun set and it became colder outside. The eldest and youngest pigs were having dinner in the warm house they built for themselves. The two pigs heard a knock on the door and heard the middle pig say, “Can you let me in please? I am cold!” The middle pig said. “No!” the eldest pig said and continued to


The middle pig kept knocking on the door. This time, the youngest pig opened the door. “Can I come in now please?” the middle pig asked again. “No, you did not help us and so you cannot come in” answered the youngest pig.

The middle pig sat outside the house in the cold and was sad. He was very sorry for not listening to his brothers.

Knock, knock! The eldest pig opened the door and saw the middle pig holding some food in its mouth.
The middle pig was sorry and said, “I’m sorry for not helping, can you please let me in, I promise I will help you next time.” The eldest pig felt sorry and said in a loving voice, “Okay you can come inside. Together they ate and laughed.

Toitoi – Homeless Hedgehog

Today I read a story about a homeless hedgehog. This beautiful poem was written by Tom Nalder. It is a poem about a teenage hedgehog lost in the winter evening, the hedgehog was wondering around and looking  for a warm place to stay when he suddenly bumped onto a plastic washing basket. He climbed up the basket and hides underneath a pair of fleecy track pants, hoping not to get found. I really like the way the author described the hedgehog and the hedgehog surroundings, it is an amazing poem.

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