Tag: Maths

How well can room 7 student’s estimate time?

This week Mrs Raj did a small activity with room 7.  (Room 7 student’s had to estimate time). Using Mrs Raj’s phone one of the students used the stop watch and the another student had to say stop when they think it is at 1 minute.

We used the question How well can room 7 student’s estimate time?

3 students were below 50 seconds so they weren’t close to 1 minute.

3 students were on 1 minuet but went pass by 2 seconds.

5 students where at 59 seconds.

1 student was exactly on 1 minute.

Rua Maths

This week in room 7 we learnt about Fractions. We solved our math problem by figuring out what to divide and what to times, In our solution here, we divided the denominator with the whole number then we timesed the answer we got with the numerator.  Our answer was – 40 chocolates and 8 chocolate fishes.

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